Monthly Archives: October 2008

San Antonio Crime Map- Shootings 2008

The above map was pulled from SpotCrime’s San Antonio crime map mashup. For 2008, we have mapped 28 shootings in and around San Antonio from January to October.

Even with limited data, one can see areas of concentration particularlly in the eastern area of the city near Martin Luther King Park.

The link to the map is here:

New Ottawa Crime Maps – Focus Shooting

The maps and table above show the shootings in and around Ottawa, Canada that SpotCrime has been able to capture so far.  SpotCrime has been mapping crime in Ottawa at no cost to the police department for the last three months.  
Data is primarily pulled from publicly available crime data and local Ottawa news sources.  
The crime maps above can be created on SpotCrime by selecting shooting and de-selecting all other crimes.  

Map of Friday’s Shooting Spree in Newark

The map above shows the three shooting in Newark New Jersey on Friday. All three occurred within one hour as reported by the New York Times.

Both the map and the table above were pulled from SpotCrime’s Newark Crime Map.

Link to the Newark Map is here.

New Orleans Crime Map Shootings Jan to Oct 2008

The crime map below shows the shootings in New Orleans that SpotCrime has collected since January of this year. Data comes from the NOLA Police Department and various news sources in New Orleans including the Times Picayune.

Here is a link to the SpotCrime New Orleans Crime Map

SpotCrime produces crime maps as close to real time as possible by collecting data from various verifiable sources.

Over 100 Shootings Mapped in Wilmington Delaware for 2008

The above map depicts over 100 shootings in and round Wilmington Delaware mapped by SpotCrime. SpotCrime began mapping Delaware crime in March of 2008. The date range for the shootings mapped here is March 3 to October 12th. A majority of the crime data comes from news reports, particularly Delaware Online.

In addtion, SpotCrime is mapping crimes in Dover, Newark, and on the campus of the University of Delaware.

Letters have been sent to Mayor James Baker and Michael J. Szczerba, Chief of Police to request a better source for incident data to map.

Another Shooting in Charlottesville Close to UVA

Another shooting happened tonight close to the University of Virginia campus.

In total, SpotCrime has mapped six shootings in Charlottesville since June of this year.

A link to a map of all the shootings is HERE.

According to the Daily Progress, Phillip Adams Jr. was shot and killed around 2 a.m. and found at 1329 W. Main St.

Shootings in Atlanta mapped by SpotCrime

The above map shows shootings in and around Atlanta recorded by The date range used for this map is January to October 2008.

Sources for this data include the Atlanta Police Department and local news media.

Montgomery County Crimes

Recently in Montgomery County, Maryland, the elderly and Asians have been targeted for robberies. Since Sept. 17, 2007, there have been six robberies of elderly people. The local police have held information sessions alerting the elderly of these occurrences. The ages of the victims were from 63-years-old to 92. These robberies were home invasions and one has resulted in a murder. Police has evidence linking three of them but believe them all to be done by the same person.

Also in the month of September 2008, three robberies have occurred invoving Asians. Two of these took place during the early afternoon and the other in the early evening. They occurred in Kensington, Wheaton and Bethesda.

To see more information about the crime spree against to elderly and to view the crime map on Spotcrime’s website, go to,%202105910,%202105918,%202105920,%202105921,%202105922.

For the crime map of robberies involving Asians, go to,%202030688,%202030704.

Charlottesville Crime Data – University and City

The map above is an example of how SpotCrime can exhibit data from two different police forces. Specifically, this crime maps shows data coming from both the University of Virginia police force and the Charlottesville police department. By pulling data from both departments, a SpotCrime user can get a more complete picture of crime in Charlottesville- particularly if you live close to UVA.

Map of Robberies, Assaults and Thefts in Charlottesville

Earlier this week, SpotCrime began collecting crime data for Charlottesville, Virginia. Below is a map and table of some of the crimes collected excluding shootings. Shootings are listed on a earlier post. Each icon below represents a different crime. The fist icon represents an assault. the running man represents a robbery, and the blue man represents theft. The icons were selected for contrast to each other and visibility on the map.

By clicking on the crime icon and viewing details, the user is able to identify the source for each crime mapped. Addtionally, the user can click on the crimes in the table below and get a partial narrative of each crime.

For October, we have mapped four assaults and four thefts, and for September, we have mapped one robbery.

We expect to add much more data in the upcoming month.

To get a feel of our interactive crime map click this link: